We each have a different body, as we each have different stories and experiences that have shaped and keep shaping us. We cannot imitate other people's bodies. We are unique and each body has a unique purpose to fulfill in the complexity of the collective.
However, when imbalances in your body and mind occur or even disease, the body is expressing to you that your elements are out of balance. Ayurveda - The Science of Life - is a complete health & life system, one of balance. Balance of all your 5 elements.
It describes the fundamental energetic forces of nature or functional principles - the Doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Vata consists of the elements of Air and Space. Vata is the mobile wind energy.
Pitta consists of the elements of Fire and Water. Pitta is the transformative nature.
Kapha consists of the elements of Earth and Water. Kapha is the binding, structure-giving nature.
While every body has its own unique nature, composition of elements and set of purpose, when your elements are too much out of balance, you can’t function at your optimum. With the understanding of Ayurveda we can bring body and mind back into balance & well-being.
Here's your free Ayurvedic body constitution test, that will help you determine which elements are out of balance in your body and mind.
You can download the PDF here -> Free Dosha Body Constitution Test
or click on the image.
How to interpret your results and what to do with it?
If you would like to get personalised advice on how to balance your elements through specific practices, activities and foods that are adapted to your type, please send me your results via my email yogangelika@gmail.com or fill out the contact form further down on the website.
I believe that the understanding of health and self-healing must be affordable to all. For your personalised consultation and my time investment, I will therefore ask you for only a small contribution to pay that you can choose on a donation base (10€ or 20€ or 40€ ).
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
With love, thanks & happiness
Your Angelika